Thursday, October 2, 2008

Road to the White House: DNC 2008- Day 4

August 28, 2008 Thursday

TONIGHT IS THE NIGHT!!!!!! I received a few text messages this morning asking me if I could believe that I would be there tonight for this moment and the answer is NO! in my 24 years I don’t remember being this excited about anything else in my life!!!!

Tonight the DNCC will throw open the doors of the Convention and move to the INVESCO Field at Mile High so that more Americans can be a part of the fourth night of the Convention as Barack Obama accepts the Democratic nomination. Obama will communicate the urgency of the moment, highlight the struggles Americans are facing and call on Americans to come together to change the course of our nation.

Jennifer Hudson will open tonight’s event with the National Anthem, following performances and speeches by: Sheryl Crow, Stevie Wonder, and of the Black Eyed Peas, children of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr, and ordinary citizens.

Some other speakers on Wednesday Night: Colorado Governor Bill Ritter Jr., Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean, Virginia Governor Time Kaine, and former Vice President Al Gore, members of the Colorado delegation including Reps. Ed Permutter, John Salazar, Diana DeGette and Mark Udall among others

Prime Time Speaker: Future President of the United States Barack Obama

Text I sent out as I waited in line: “We have been in line to get in at this point for over 3 hours. The line is now moving a bit faster, and we will be there in time to see and hear it all. I am so proud right now to be a face in this crowd. I am grateful for those who came before me to make this possible.”

As we waited in line, police officers greeted us with bottles of water. Of course standing in Denver heat is not the same as standing in Tennessee or Kentucky heat, but water was very necessary. As I broke open the top to take a sip I couldn’t help but become overwhelm with emotion. No I wasn’t that thirsty! It is just…I don’t know if there is a word for it…or maybe I just don’t know the word …but many years ago, when some people that looked like me and some that didn’t stood in line to make a change, to vote, to be included as people in general, they were not greeted by the police in a friendly way, much less being handed a bottle of water. Most of those people never made it through the line, to the front or in the door, and here I am. Wow…look how far we have come…but let’s not forget how far we have to go.

Exact notes from my journal while sitting at Mile High Stadium as the sun was setting watching this historic event:

After almost 5 hours of waiting in line, it was so worth every minute. I never even dreamed of a moment like this….maybe that’s why it is still so unreal. I stopped and prayed before I entered the stadium, "Lord, in your word you said where 2 or 3 are gathered in my name, there I am also…but tonight there are 80,000 gathered in your name …your will be done Lord. Amen."

WOW being here among 80,000 other people from diverse backgrounds to support one cause, one hope, one dream… overwhelming actually. Yeah I have been to Titans games with 60,000 screaming fans, but we were not all screaming for the same team and tonight we all are. How amazing is that? We will never have this moment again…this is it….words can describe.

Being here is very emotional, it makes me proud to be an American, to be black, and most of all proud to be here in the middle of it all. As we all left the stadium people started to cheer....OBAMA OBAMA OBAMA!

It’s funny now, on the last night of the convention how my breathing seems so easy!

Road to the White House: DNC 2008- Day 3

August 27, 2008 Wednesday

Hello! After attending several events last night that just ended this morning I am off to a slow start! I most definitely needed more oxygen!!!

Emotions are high today as the Roll Call vote nears. In some of the state delegation meetings Clinton supporters wanted to still cast their vote for her, instead of uniting and voting for Obama. She will hold a meeting early this afternoon to ask them to support Obama and unite the party. She mention in her speech yesterday that if you supported this race because of me then you were not in it for the right reasons, this isn’t about me but about the issues and what our party stands for. So it is in all hopes that this afternoon Clinton delegates take that to heart.

Tonight we heard from President Bill Clinton, who reminded us now is the time to unite. He shared that he was once too the underdog and came out victorious, so we must continue to fight and encourage others to understand what we are fighting for. He mentioned that he was very proud of Hillary and how she conducted her campaign. He was a natural on stage, and looked very much to be in his element.

Clinton was the warm, if you will, to Senator Joe Biden’s Vice Presidential nominee’s speech in which he shared the story of his first wife’s death and how he was there for his family. He stated that he struggled with the decision to quit, and that “Delaware could get another senator, but my boys can’t get another father.” By the time he finished most of the crowd had to wipe their eyes because of his emotional journey to this point. SURPRISE!!!! OBAMA IS HERE TO JOIN JOE!

Wednesday night’s Convention program will feature the voices of Americans who share Barack’s vision of making America stronger and safer.

Some other speakers on Wednesday Night:
Former President Bill Clinton, former Senator Tom Daschle, Governor Bill Richardson and Senators Joe Biden, John Kerry, and Jay Rockefeller, Chicago Mayor Richard Daily among others
Prime Time Speaker: Vice Presidential Nominee Senator Joe Biden

Road to the White House: DNC 2008-Day2

August 26, 2008 Tuesday

Greetings! The convention is underway and moving at what seems like the speed of light. Come to think of it so does my breathing!!!!! All of the warnings about Denver (The Mile High City) and breathing were on point. I catch myself breathing heavy while just sitting or talking, but there is an Oxygen Bar in the lobby that I think I could benefit from. Oh well so much for breathing ...on to the convention!!!!

Tonight I attended the DNC Watch Party to see Hillary Clinton’s speech. The 4,000 seat Wells Fargo Theatre held the delegates friends, family, and anyone else with a pass, but no credentials to get on the floor. There were several speakers that got the crowd excited about the journey that we are on, and some with stories that showed just how important this journey is at this time. The older lady that shared her story of working at the textile mill for 30 years, and being let go with nothing but encouraging words from George W. Bush to go back to college, although the majority of the workers couldn’t read or write, sparked a fire in the room. From other speakers we heard phases like, “McCain isn’t a maverick but a sidekick to George W. Bush”, “4 more months not 4 more years!”

Although Hillary Clinton was the keynote speaker for the evening, Governor Brain Schweitzer from Montana almost stole the show. He lit the crowd on fire!!!!! His speech was on point, funny, and very natural. Listening to him reminded me of shooting the breeze with a neighbor that you have known all of your life. I believe after his first 5 minutes at the podium the whole Theatre was on their feet cheering for him. After which everyone was on a Democratic “high”……enter Hillary Clinton.

Chelsey Clinton introduced her mom in a video of Hillary’s life, and her parents. (with limited shots of Bill Clinton by the way) Although Bill’s appearance in the video did provide some comic relief when the caption read “Hillary’s husband” instead of Bill Clinton. Ready to add to that Democratic high, Hillary shared with supports that we are all in this not because of her, not because of Obama but because we need to provide a better life for all. She urged her supports to support change and join her by voting for Obama. I believe her exact statement was, “I am not just a proud wife, mother, democrat, but a proud Obama supporter.” Clinton’s reference to Harriet Tubman urging those who wanted freedom to” keep going” was just what the crowd wanted and needed to hear to get us on our feet. “No Way, No How, No McCain! WE MUST UNITE” was her sign off!

The feeling of actually being here is still a dream…..don’t wake me! J

I did pay a visit to the Oxygen Bar and got my own personal “nose tube” and some peppermint oxygen. Supposedly we only get 20% of the oxygen that we need from just breathing alone, whereas this bar provides 92%.....AHHHHH ( It worked, my headache was gone!) As I was running around during down time today I proudly wore one of my MSU polo shirts. Well I was stopped 3 times to ask how I was connected to Murray State. One lady’s parents live in the area and are alums of MSU, and the other 2 had heard of us because of our rankings! GO RACERS!!!!

Tuesday’s Convention program will feature the voices of Americans who share Barack’s concerns and strongly support his detailed economic plan to grow the economy, create jobs, restore fairness, and expand opportunity.

Some other speakers on Tuesday Night:
Former Governor of Virginia Mark Warner, Governor Brian Schweitzer of Montana, Governor David Patterson of New York, Governor Kathleen Sebelius of Kansas, Governor Janet Napolitano of Arizona, Governor Joe Manchin of West Virginia, among others
Prime Time Speaker: Hillary Clinton

Road to the White House: DNC 2008 Day 1

August 25, 2008 Monday

Good Morning!!!! As you can imagine the excitement level is as high as some of the mountains that I can see from my hotel window! The hotel lobby seems to be what I imagine the inside of an ant colony looks like. BUSY BUSY BUSY!!! Everyone is greeting one another and their voices are buzzing with anticipation. The Tennessee Delegation is sharing the Marriott Tech Center with a couple of other delegations, so it is fun meeting new people and seeing how excited they are about the convention.

Once downtown there were people everywhere! Some watching the protestors, others buying souvenirs from vendors and then there are those just soaking up the sites and sounds. As far as protestors go, there are plenty here but not as many as I thought there would be. Mostly, the people are protesting the war, but there are some people here from PETA dressed like a pink cat (???? Yes strange), and those who are against Democrats in general. There is security EVERYWHERE equipped with plenty of blue flex plastic handcuffs, and full riot gear. Overall I did not feel threaten with them around.

The opening night of the Convention will highlight Barack’s life story, his commitment to change, and the voices of Americans who are calling for a new direction for this country.

Some of the speakers on Monday Night:
Former President Jimmy Carter, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, Senator Edward Kennedy, Barack Obama’s sister, Michelle Obama’s brother, Jesse Jackson Je. Denver Mayor John Kickenlooper, among others ….

Prime Time Speaker: Michelle Obama

There is an All Delegate Celebration Recognizing Katrina Relief Organizations tonight at the Colorado Convention Center. There are over 2,000 people here, including Spike Lee. It was very crowded!

Michelle was great tonight!!!! You could have heard a cotton ball roll when she took the stage. She really wowed the crowd with her passionate speech about her life, and her marriage to Obama. She of course, like her husband is an excellent speaker, and no doubt didn’t disappoint the center full of delegates or the viewers at home. I really feel that this was a great kickoff leading up to Barack’s speech on Thursday. As a voter you want to know the other “half” of the President and the glimpse we got of Michelle tonight assures us that we have a classy, well spoken and family oriented first lady waiting to represent the U.S.

Oh and how cute were the girls? I loved that they talked to Barack in front of the world as if they were just at home hanging out. They are so innocent and sweet. Imagine how fun it would be to live in the White House at their age……ULTIMATE GAME OF HIDE & SEEK!!!!

Road to the White House: DNC 2008 -airport

August 24, 2008

I am at the airport waiting at Gate 16 to go to Denver. It is 7:00 am in and everyone looks a little groggy, but not me!!!! There is a spring my step, smile on my face, and a hope in my heart! I could hardly sleep last night I was so excited. Attending the DNC is a dream come true within itself, but especially now!!! It is my hope that I learn a lot, see a lot, and do a lot this week. My prayer this leading up to this week has been, “God make me a sponge, I want to be a sponge!” I have a layover in Kansas City, Missouri and I’m sure I will have more to write about then.

I arrived in Kansas City, where I have a 2 hour layover, and I met several delegates. One delegate, a teacher, from Kansas City and while running for her delegate position she used the theme “A soldier’s momma for Obama”. Her son is currently serving in Iraq. We talked for a while and she shared with me thoughts on why she ran. She thought Senator Obama was what this country needed to get us back to where we need to be as a nation, economically, globally, and lastly overall. This was her first DNC as well and she was ready to as she put it, “Rock and Roll”! As we were talking an older lady wearing an Obama button was being wheeled in our direction. She was from Kansas City as well and she told us that she had been a delegate since 1968 (WOW) and was just as excited today as she was then. This election was important to her because she hoped to see change happen so that her grandchildren could live safely, get a good education and be able to afford it, and live in a better world in general. She said it was her part to make this world a better place than she found it! You could feel her energy.

Sitting next to me was a 19 year old delegate from the state of Kansas. He is the youngest delegate for his state, and he said he wanted to be a role model for his friends to get involved with politics. He thought that there would never be another election as historic as this one, with a woman and a African American man being key players, so he wanted to do his part to make sure change happened.

We board the flight, go through the usual instructions, and as we take off the pilot comes over the intercom and says, “Let’s get to Denver so that we can make history!”

After landing in Denver and being greeted by volunteers waving Obama 08/ welcome signs, I spotted several celebrities while waiting on my delegate from Tennessee.
Diana Sawyer…no makeup
Judge Mathis….Television Court Show
Spike Lee…..need I explain?